Product History

From Potatoes to BioTech

Our product history speaks volumes of our past research, trial and errors and daring risks that have shaped us into what we are today. Browse through our past history to find out what is shaping our future.


The BioFire Global Fever Special Pathogens Panel was launched, and cleared by the FDA as an IVD panel for 16 targets the be run on the BioFire FilmArray and Torch systems. This panel tests for Dengue virus, Ebolavirus spp., Plasmodium spp. and other threat targets.



The BioFire® COVID-19 Test was developed and approved as a cleared EUA test by the FDA. Thousands of tests have been sent throughout the world since its release.


The RAZOR® Mk II, an upgrade of our RAZOR EX system was released with an upgraded user-interface and components making portable PCR detection even easier.


The FilmArray Global Fever Panel – RUO was launched, bringing 19 new targets to the FilmArray such as Zika virus, Yellow fever virus and Leishmania spp.


The FilmArray EUA BioThreat-E Kit is sent to Africa for Ebola testing.


BioFire merges with bioMérieux. BioFire Defense is created from the merger.


BioFire Defense is awarded the NGDS (Next Generation Diagnostics System) Contract by the US DoD.



The FilmArray Gastrointestinal Panel (GI) Receives FDA Clearance and is made available to all U.S. markets.


The FilmArray Blood Culture Identification Panel (BCID) receives FDA Clearance and made available to all U.S. markets.


Idaho Technology changes its name to BioFire Diagnostics, Inc.


FilmArray System and Respiratory Panel (RP) receives FDA Clearance and made available to all U.S. markets.


Idaho Technology celebrates 20 years of innovation.


LightScanner® 32 enters the life science market. It combines the fastest real-time PCR instrument with the most accurate Hi-Res Melting system.


RAZOR upgrades to RAZOR® EX with a color screen and other features that make it even easier to use.

The Ten® Target Pouch provides reagents for the ten most prevalent biothreat pathogens in a user-friendly, field-deployable reagent pouch.


R.A.P.I.D.® LT Food Security System launches, bringing high-speed pathogen detection to the food industry.



The LightScanner® launches as the world’s first high-throughput instrument to perform Hi-Res Melting on 96 or 384-well plates.


JBAIDS and the Anthrax Detection Kit receive FDA clearance.


The RAZOR® is the world’s first rugged portable, real-time PCR device. It was co-developed with the DOD, enabling first responders to identify pathogens closer to the point of crisis.


Idaho technology secures the JBAIDS (Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic System) contract, becoming a provider of instruments, test kits and support for the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines.


HR-1™ is introduced as a companion to the LightCycler to provide Hi-Res Melting, allowing for better DNA sequence detection with less effort.


The first online order is submitted for IT BioChem. Customers are now able to purchase custom made probes and primers securely online.


The LightTyper® is a low-cost instrument for high throughput single nucleotide polymorphism analysis and genotyping. Licensed to Roche.


The Indy®, a personal air thermalcycler, receives rave reviews and is licensed to Roche Applied Science.


The R.A.P.I.D.® System completes development with the U.S. Air Force. It’s the world’s first Ruggedized Advanced Pathogen Identification Device.


The LightCycler® is born. It’s an innovative instrument that held 24 capillary tubes capable of real-time fluorescence monitoring.


The RapidCycler® provides improved temperature and noise controls and stores 99 cycle programs.


The Air Thermocycler is the first machine of its kind, holding 48 sample tubes and 4 cycle programs. It was able to complete 30 cycles in less than 20 minutes.